Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Remember last year when a woman was kicked off a Southwest flight for what she was wearing? Well, supposedly, it has happened again. However, these two "brilliant" women claim it was their great looks that brought on discrimination. I think they should just get over themselves.

I am tired of having actors and actresses win Oscars for playing real people. I look at it as mimicking and not acting. With a fictional character you have such a difficult job of creating every little aspect. Yes, they are great actors but I just feel there is an ounce of laziness present. Hard to explain... This made me feel better about the Oscars.

I can't believe I just read this.

I'm going to read fiction! Hooray! (At least I'll try to...)

But, I will most likely turn to this half-way through the above book. I'm a non-fiction gal. And its ok. I know, I'm also a dork.

Here, enjoy a music video! They're coming to Boise!

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