Monday, February 18, 2008

"Idaho Travel Packages"

At first I couldn't believe this story when I read it. Then I remembered I live in Idaho where these types of jokes unfortunately occur way too often. However, this is Idaho and this prank came from Montana so I feel an itsy bitsy better. Here, read it for yourself:

"Montana's gay and lesbian community is calling on Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., to apologize for a gag he recently played on one of his colleagues. On a congressional trip to the Middle East last month, Rehberg left an "Idaho Travel Package" on the airplane seat of Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho.

The contents included a stuffed sheep with gloves attached to it, a Village People CD, books on cross-dressing and sign language and a T-shirt that reads, "My senator may not be gay, but my governor is Butch." The shirt referred to Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, who was caught in a men's airport bathroom sex sting, and Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter." (more of the story)

Dan Savage, a syndicated columnist and writer for Seattle's The Stranger believes the "focus on Rep. Denny Rehberg’s real crime: attempted murder. Sending a colleague into the Middle East with a Village People CD and a t-shirt with the word “gay” on it? Is Rehberg nuts? Or was he trying to get Simpson beheaded?"

I agree with Savage and Montana's gay and lesbian community. This is ridiculous. Oh, and I want one of those shirts.

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