Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday's Feast #137

Since Friday's Feast is down for the week I found an old one I had not done.

When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer?
Tube, train or subway. I find it relaxing and fun since you can do a lot of people watching. That is unless you're in Tokyo right after an earthquake and stranded at a station. I have many strange stories of the three too but I would still consider "rail" my preferred method of transport.

Have you ever met a blogging friend in person?
No, I haven't. But I don't think I would mind if I did.

When was the last time you were really, really tired?

Over winter holidays when I drank bad water. All Farmer Ted and I could do was sleep.

Main Course
If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be?

Hmm...Dory from Finding Nemo. I think it would be extremely entertaining. And if fish don't count then Samantha Baker from Sixteen Candles. I imagine us discussing how hot Jake Ryan is and how embarrassing our families can be.

Fill in the blank:
One day, I hope to see _________.

I would love to see my dear friend Delia again and spend an afternoon with a good pot of tea. But at the moment this would require traveling to Manila again or wherever she is at the moment. I can never keep up with her.

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