Friday, February 1, 2008

FF 178

What is your favorite kind of cereal?

Captain Crunch although I believe you spell it Captn, but that just doesn't look right.

When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?

Well, we purchased a lot of things due to a very large gift certificate from BBB. New silverware, duvet cover, guest room bedding, steak knives, cutting board, wine glasses -(weird unbreakable ones due to some of our friends), etc. I guess before that it would be our new LCD TV for our bedroom.

What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?

This one would have to be up there:

Main Course
Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).

Uh, Turkey Thyme?

Fill in the blank: I haven’t ______ since ______.

I haven't read anything decent since September.

I'm craving a really good nonfiction book right now.


Sandy M said...

I'm also looking for some new reading stuff. If you find something good, let me know.

Michelle Quinno said...

Hehe, love the Turkey Thyme!

Try Water for Elephants for a book - excellent read!

Izzybella said...

Nice feast. Re: your dessert, try "Three Cups of Tea." Excellent! Also just finished reading Becoming Jane Austen, also very good.

Have a great weekend.

LivG said...

Oh no, my 2 1/2 year old son watched that commercial with me just now and then began laughing with a very mischievous look in his eye!