Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Hair Debacle

I did something the other day I have never, EVER done before, I complained to a hair dresser and succeeded with my request! Yeah! I had my haircut and colored almost two weeks ago and walked away extremely dissatisfied. I wanted my roots touched up since I had been long overdue for a coloring and cut. I walked away still with roots. She told me that the sun would lighten my hair. I wanted to tell her that I wasn't throwing money her way for that lovely advice. She complimented the way my hair gradually got lighter toward the ends. I wanted to kill her considering it was obvious that I was not a true, true blond with the way my hair turned out. Who goes to the salon wanting their roots one color and the mid and end sections another? Honestly? I'm not currently in a band* and I'd choose Kool-aid over a salon if I wanted to stand out.
So I called and made another appointment. She admitted that she was unhappy with the lifting process and now I am a much happier blond! My roots match my tips and I didn't hear a word about the sun naturally taking care of my strands. In the end I chose to tip her since she did the right thing by correcting her mistake. I also wanted to pay her for her time since I know what it's like to work in the service field. I appreciated not having to explain in fine detail my disgust and she was very professional. Hooray! I feel so much better!

*Superdrumtastic, my all-drum band, is currently on a hiatus.

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