Thursday, June 19, 2008

FF: 194


If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

Difficult, Antarctica is up there but I think it would have to be Asia. I would love to explore all that China has to offer. I suppose I could if I had the money since I have three friends living over there. Farmer Ted pointed out that I should pick Australia since it's an island and I have thus far only been to islands. An actual continent might throw things off.


Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

Mozilla, because all my friends use it. And I love Leechblock which keeps me away from sites I shouldn't be wasting my time on. This will come in handy this fall when law school starts.


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you know about the history of your country?

7---I have a strong aversion to the Civil War, however all else is covered.

Main Course

Finish this sentence: Love is…

a garden. Dig it! (Farmer Ted's addition) All I can think of is Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar


Have you ever been in or near a tornado?

No. I'm sure I've had a drink called a tornado though. Does that count?


Wendy said...

Oh, the ultimate cheese video. Yes, dancing and shaking your shoulders is a great way to get rid of the slimeball! =P Maybe they were all drinking tornadoes that night. Great feast!

Carol said...

TGI Friday Feast!

Autumn Haven said..., that video brings back memories from my childhood...sitting up late at night watching Friday Night Video's on NBC!

Happy Friday!

Bela said...

i have always used IE but I heard good feedbacks about firefox...i think I migth try it too..

mine is now served. hope you can drop by:

(M)ary said...

i guess there aren't a lot of tornados on islands (or is it tornadoes like tomatoes?)

if i had to choose a continent, i would be lame and choose Europe. kind of the obvious choice but there are so many diverse countries packed into one continent, i'd never get bored.

Anonymous said...

Great feast. We have the same appetizer. My feast is up as well. Hope to see you there. Have a great week!

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