Friday, June 13, 2008



Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?

At the moment? Pessimist. We're moving to a new city, new state, and I'm very nervous. My nerves have been causing me to be a pessimist lately.


What is your favorite color of ink to write with?

I have no preference in ink. I tend to prefer cheap freebie pens over nicer ones. I probably don't have to ever buy a pen with the number I have in my house. They just seem to accumulate over time. However if it's a pencil then I prefer Ticonderoga pencils above all else.


How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them?

Occasionally I will pay for them but for the most part I do them myself. When I was a full time floral designer I gave myself one weekly due to standing on my feet all day and using my hands. The knives we would use dried out my skin and my cuticles were always dry. I find that a good scrub, some cuticle oil and a rich lotion do the trick for me.

Main Course

Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it?



In which room in your house do you keep your home computer?

Well, we have two laptops and a desktop. The laptops are everywhere in the house. The desktop stays in our bedroom where we also use it to watch movies and online television. We have really bad reception for digital television and don't watch enough tv to pay for cable. It's nice and easy since we have a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard. If I wanted to surf the net in bed I can.


Gabriel said...

You have a lot of computers! I'm thinking I should probably look into buying a laptop for my wife. She would love that...

Please find my feast here.

Also, I got the best Father's Day gift ever today. Wanna check? It's here. Sorry for the unrelated link, but I'm just so proud!

Happy Feasting, and have a great weekend!

Betty said...

I have two laptops and one desktop, but I'm planning on trying to sell one laptop. I enjoyed your answers. Hope you have time to visit me.

Netter said...

I have a lot of pens too, but its because I steal them. I don't mean to, not really. I sign for stuff and keep the pens. I've started saying, "Here, put this pen over over there." When they look at me strange, I say, "I won't mean to, but I'll walk off with it or put it in my purse while I'm talking to you. You see, I'm trying to not be a theif." Unless its a green ink pen...then I'd steal that bad boy in a heartbeat. I like green ink.

(M)ary said...

my favorite is a cheap bic medium point. sometimes i prefer black, sometimes blue.
i like the ink to be thick. i actually like the ink to leak out a little and get on my hands or the paper.