Thursday, June 5, 2008

BTT: Trends

Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?

Oh my goodness yes! I used to only read non-fiction and memoirs. Now I read a lot more fiction. I also read more than I did ten years ago. I would say that the books I've been reading are more challenging since I've been reading more classic literature. I still don't read many grocery-store novels, mysteries, romance, etc but that doesn't mean that I won't start someday. I've been enjoying my time with fiction but I usually read a non-fiction book alongside the fiction. I think this keeps me a little grounded in my reading. In general, I just don't know what I would do without a good book.


Anonymous said...

I am reading a lot less. But better books. Previously I used to read 20-25 books in a month. Now I read 8-15.

Booking through trends

Anonymous said...

What theme's do your non-fiction readings follow?

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

I typically have a non-fiction book going the same time I'm reading a novel. I may not read the non-fiction every day like the fiction, but I like the change at times. It just takes me longer to get through the NF. I also like memoirs.

(M)ary said...

i have gone in the other direction. used to read more fiction, now i read more non-fiction.
and when i read fiction, it is genre fiction. i started out reading genres when i was a kid/teenager then moved on to literature and literary fiction now i am back to mysteries and romances. altho, non-fiction travel, biographies, science and ecology interest me most

Idaho Gal said...

R.E.--My non-fiction themes usually involve economics, world affairs, philosophy, women's issues, a lot really. I'm reading an interpretation of the Declaration of Independence currently.

M--I just can't get into genre lit! I haven't really tried though...