Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moments with Farmer Ted

Farmer Ted: I have an idea for a new Transformer.

Idaho Gal: (sigh) What?

FT: He is an outhouse who turns into this guy who cleans up after the other Transformers. Similiar to The Poopsmith.

IG: I shouldn't have asked.

IG: Hey! Our dog is not a guitar!

FT: But he likes it! Do you know of any other dog that can play "guitar" as well as Keynes?

We have many, MANY Curb Your Enthusiasm moments in our house. This being one of them. Only it was at an airport. And after everything the guy still didn't get it. I was also known at work for doing this with my Shrek light that resembled an earpiece. Why do people do this? It is so annoying! And rude!

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