Friday, March 14, 2008

FF: 183


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?

7, although when I am at school I have to use "correct" cursive so I don't like my handwriting that much


Do you prefer baths or showers?

I love a hot bath, but I never find the time to take one, so my preference (due to a time restraint) are showers.


What was the last bad movie you watched?

The Simpsons Movie and Because I Said So

Main Course

Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.

Reading. I am always reading books. It has affected my life positively since I am always learning, building upon my vocabulary, and lost in stories.


Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?

Piano, cello or violin solos.


Anonymous said...

Great feast!

Michelle Quinno said...

I liked Because I said So, but I'm not that easy to please as long as it's not too deep. I just like to chill.


Anastasiya Vladimirovna Lychyova said...


new reader - nice blog

You should get a disposable email address for your blog - Hotmail GMail Yahoo etc

Trace said...

I find that when I get hooked on a good book, it takes over everything else. Yet, I don't mind at all! :)
