Thursday, March 27, 2008



What does the color dark green make you think of?

A leather bomber jacket I had in the seventh grade. It was so cool! However I saw someone wearing one the other day and couldn't believe that I actually wore and owned one. Does anyone else remember the navy, mauve and forest green leather jackets back then?


How many cousins do you have?

Eleven. I am the third oldest on both parent's sides.


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you?

Seven? I'll admit that I can be fake or hide my true feelings in uncomfortable moments and of course I consider this to be dishonest.

Main Course

Name something that is truly free.

This is a difficult question for a household of two economists. My first suggestion was body odor but I was reminded that there is a cost with body odor---exercise, the cost of smelling yourself and having others smell you. So then I brought up AIR! I thought I was genius for this! However Farmer Ted has pointed out that it takes time to breathe and thus there is a cost to consuming air. TANSTAFL BABY!


Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence.

Do the words have to be in order?

Spring pours rain in new gardens.

Sing Prince's Rasberry (Beret) in navy galoshes.


Anonymous said...

what an interesting argument about body odor and AIR :D

Marsha said...

I love your self debate! Just a thought... body odor might also cost you friends!?!

Join me here if you can:

Karen said...

Wait a minute...leather bomber jackets came in colors other than brown or black? Where was I? Did I miss this?

Nice feast!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

I think you're the 1st I've come across that actually knows how many cousins you have!!
Your dessert was much better than mine.
Happy Friday! :)