Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blast from the Past #1

Awhile ago I was cleaning out my hope chest and came across a bunch of letters I saved from high school. (This was obviously before e-mail BUT still in the 90's! I'm not THAT old!) I've decided to post one letter a week. The sender will remain annoymous and I shall not edit the letter in any way. Just remember, I was in high school, I was crazy, and I lived on a rural postal route. That said here is the first of many.

Feb. 21 1995
A letter from DB talking about my move from Olympia (pop. over 100,000) to Prosser (pop. rural). Age: 16


Hey there little mama. So among the hicks are you. HA! HA! We'll we certainly do have alot in common now my hair was copper red now its more of a strawberry blonde. I don't skate but I'm a grunger. My hair covers my eyes but by the time I see you it'll be up to my chin (maybe). That be cool for you to come over here. If you do get into Yakima call me at XXX-XXXX and we can go do something! I'd come see you if I went to Prosser but I seriously doubt I could get over there. But maybe someday. Shit maybe I forgets where Prosser was. I was thinking by Pasco but Duh. Well I'm just jammin' to Jimi (he's my God.) Yea.
I'm sure you'll meet some freaks or friends sometime. No Hicks now. I also dislike hicks but as long as they're fucking their horse and not me or my mom it's ok! Well I better go write back por favor.

Love, DB
P.S. I'll be your friend!

1 comment:

Netter said...

I'm getting a real kick out of your old letters. Several years ago I came across a shoe box filled with notes that I was passed in High School. I started reading them and half of them I couldn't figure out what they were about because they were written with logs of strange terms in reference to people so nobody would be able to figure out what we were talking about if they got a hold of them. I'm telling you, the ones I could remember were a riot. It's funny what you forget over the years, but when you start reading the notes, your mind is kick started. I read a few of them to my friends and some of them remembered things that I blanked on.