Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Mack!

Tonight we'll be partaking in these sweet-ass moves. You should be jealous! Very jealous!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What I get to look forward to...

Guess what? A naked man hijacked a bus in Las Vegas yesterday! It's what I get to look forward to on my daily bus ride! I absolutely can't wait!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Facebook requests

Facebook requests bother me. Especially the kind where I haven't seen or heard from the person since high school. I've recently had two acquaintances from high school request my friendship and I am confused as to what I should do.

When I graduated from high school I never looked back. I danced to the beat of my own drum and my small community knew it. I had no intention of marrying young and popping out babies like many of my friends did. And because of this I can honestly say I've kept in touch with one person from high school and he didn't even graduate with me.

What also interests me is that both of the individuals "requesting" were on my high school reunion committee, the one I was conveniently not invited to. I guess calling my father who still lives in the small-ass town and asking where I could be located was too much work. The snub made me want to totally Romy and Michelle the reunion. It just goes to show that reunions are for the popular crowd. My father urged I not attend anyway (the local newspaper announced it). He felt my accomplishments wouldn't match up with the many children the women I graduated with have had. Where I come from the badges are babies, Bibles, and husbands. No, no, and nope.

So I have not seen or talked to these people, nor would I via Facebook. Even in high school I really wasn't close to them. I'm not into "collecting" friends. In fact the only reason I signed up for Facebook was because my undergraduate students requested it and I felt it might boost my end of the semester evaluations (which it did). So what should I do? I know I'm not alone out there after recently reading this post over at Magic Cookie. Is Facebook something people are now using to reconnect and possibly become better friends? Isn't it just a way to lurk? Am I missing the point? Because I honestly feel like it's more of a "look how many friends I have" thing.

Dear Woosellio,

I'm listening to Cat Stevens and wondering what you're doing. I finally watched Harold and Maude and know why you like it so much. I like it too. The other day I was wondering if you've grown chest hair yet. I don't really know why I thought about that. I saw Patricia "Awol" Cornwall's Jack the Ripper book today and thought about our crazy trip to Canada. I'm sorry I was such a bitch, you and K didn't deserve it. The Moose Drool is here, it's not too cold, if you want to come over. I'll even wrestle up an actual ashtray for you. Kiss Ocean and Pixel for me.



Friday, July 4, 2008


I have the next week off. Here are my goals:
  • Clean and sort through the garden shed. I have many pots to get rid of along with the potting soil inside. Thankfully I've already found a home for them.
  • Pack the hallway books and sort through those I will most likely never read and donate. I feel bad getting rid of books, however space is an issue and I like to have it!
  • Yard work!
  • Law School reading list tackled.
  • Sort through furniture to see what we can do without.
  • Pack, pack and pack. Cleaning while packing.
It is a lot however I feel that if I get a good start on things then in a month I'll be in a better place when the move occurs. We've accumulated so much in a year and half since we lived in a one bedroom apartment. Now we've got to go from a three bed to a two bedroom and a two car to a single car garage. Ahh the joys of a good challenge.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I think it was time.

I gave up on a friend today. It was very hard to do but I felt that I just had to let go. The number was deleted from my phone. An e-mail was sent.

I keep telling myself that it's okay to let go of friends. It wasn't a bad argument or anything. I just think it was time to exit stage right. I feel horrible. Not a good way to start a holiday. Not to mention I've got to go and get two shots in an hour, one of which is a tetanus shot which hurts like hell. Not going to be a fun day.

BTT: Holidays

It’s a holiday weekend here in the U.S., so let’s keep today’s question simple–What are you reading? Anything special? Any particularly juicy summer reading?

In preparation for law school I'm reading The Brethren by Bob Woodward and A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr. I'm almost finished with the Brethren which discusses the Supreme Court from 1969-1975. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the Supreme Court. Along with interesting cases (Watergate, Roe v. Wade), the personal aspects of the Justices make it an enjoyable read. I haven't started A Civil Action yet but I plan on reading it this weekend. It doesn't look like a difficult book. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of reading it but it has been on several pre-law school reading lists and I picked it up for a buck. My goal for the next week is to knock out some of this boring reading so I can get into something good. Any recommendations on what I should read?